HELP I HAVE A MOLE- what should I do?

Do I really need to remove the mole?

On many occasions, the arrival of a mole can be just a visit. The mole for many reasons has just arrived because of the circumstances or impacts placed upon it in its need to either exist as a species or for it to survive. The mole is dictated by its need for food and a need to exist as a species. The requirement to find food is dependent on what is available in locations and the mole will be forced to source those locations that will provide the sustenance that the soil provides. Your mole may have arrived in your lawn, field, paddock, vegetable patch for no apparent reason. How wrong you are. The mole cannot afford to use energy without reward; they cannot and will not consume large amounts of energy for no gain. It is important to understand that the mole is only in your land to survive and it may be a quick opportunity to consume vital food. If the location will not provide sufficient food to sustain the moles requirements, it will leave as quickly as it arrived. Therefore, the sudden arrival of a few piles of the moles waste we refer to as molehills does not necessarily mean your mole is here to stay.

Be patient and wait 

Allowing the mole a few days to leave not only saves the needless taking of a life but can save you money too. Never tamper with the molehills, do not stamp on them, or remove them as the activity may stop as the mole can leave of its own accord, and from a molecatchers point of view, never tamper with them if you intend calling on the services of one.

SEASONAL IMPACT        Understanding why you may have a molehill


The moles need to breed occurs just once a year and it will begin with the warming of the soil. Now depending where you are living this can happen at different times. In the South, it begins as early as late February, early March but can be later in the North. The warmth encourages new growth and the soil begins to give as the life emerges from the colder months. The increase in food informs the moles of their need to breed and they go through a chemical change. The male moles will fill with testosterone and the female mole will come into season, as they are required to ensure the survival of their species. This change will require the male moles to leave their sanctuary of their own territories to seek available females. This will result in sudden rows of molehills across lawns, along road verges and over paddocks as they open old tunnels not used since the last call to arms. Should you experience a few odd spoils of soil, or a line of deposits –DO NOT PANIC just wait a couple of days and gently scoop up the moles waste and use to top dress borders and veg plots, it is great soil. I say gently scoop, as those that choose to stamp and stomp a dance of dexterity in a bid to return the lawn to its former glory will possibly be granted further damage. As those males still embarking on a journey along the tunnels of love are required to again clear out and return soil to the surface as they make their way. Leaving them alone and gentle removing will allow moles to travel along unknowingly to you and with no further damage caused. 


 Rapid response to placing a device in this situation will possibly result in the removal of a mole that meant you no harm. The damage was caused by the work of a previous mole long since gone, and this mole would have too, had you let it pass on its way, saving you your money and the mole- its life.

Breeding females 

Obviously, the female moles having conceived will require to increase the damage caused, as they are required not just to feed themselves but also their new off spring. This will result in more damage to your land as they go about this task, they will be alone, as the male moles will not stay and help rear the litter [ no change there girls].
Now I am going to pose you a very difficult question
Should moles be controlled in the spring when the young are known to be born?

The reason is that moles are an altricial mammal; this means that the young are born blind and are dependent totally upon the female; they will not open their eyes for the first 22 days of their lives and if a female mole was to be targeted under the terms of pest control is this acceptable practice. The young are completely weaned at five to six weeks of age.
So springtime moles, a need for careful consideration in relation to whether to control or not


Mole activity can almost disappear in some areas as the food vital to the moles from the long dry periods force it to move to moist areas. However, the need for many to have a lawn the envy of the neighbours or runner beans at the height of a Ferris wheel can be a lifeline to moles, especially young juvenile moles desperate in the search for food on their first weeks alone. For any mole, the throwing of water in each and every direction at times of drought will be welcomed, so if you do decide to send the water meter into overload then be prepared for the arrival of a mole.


Summer gone the moles look forward to the change in soil conditions, the soil is now warm and the moisture content has increased, the changes from dew and humidity is often immediately recognisable in the enhanced evidence of worm casts, providing welcomed sustenance after what may have been a long summer struggle. Moles do not only appreciate the presence of worms but also the gardeners, as the work of the worms is what feeds the world. Again, the presence of mole damage can be a short occurrence as they harvest the available vertebrates.


The first frost in the autumn will change the habits of the moles as they seek suitable new and existing locations they know will suffice their demands to survive in what will exacerbate what is already a harsh environment in which to live. As temperatures drop, the mole needs to not just maintain its body weight but increase it and to store fat. The mole is a lean machine with only 3% of its body weight in fat, it must stay warm and feed, so at a time when available food is not multiplying or as accessible the moles must work extra hard to locate and source any obtainable food. Working in deeper areas where the food has been forced from the conditions the moles will create larger or more molehills as the soil is mined from greater depths. Proof will be evident as fresh soil appears above the snow or on frozen ground.

I do not have a molehill but a raised area or tunnel

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Referred to as running spooked, jigging, joking, or scribbling, these visible tunnels are the result of an impact upon that location that the mole has responded. In the summer months, it could be a crane fly hatch and the emergence of the insects providing an opportunity to feed in hard times. Alternatively, following a sudden storm the rush of soil life to reach welcome moisture brings worms rushing to the organic layer. Drip from over hanging foliage will again allow moisture to build up in areas so another reason for the shallow tunnels. Moles will move across areas and to avoid predation will move just below the surface for the security it may provide. Male moles in the spring will also move in this way as they seek a mate.